Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2015. N 2
Technological Equipment, Machining
Attachments and Instruments
17. Подгорный Ю.И. Методика проектирования смесителей для получения макарон-
ного теста / Ю.И. Подгорный, В.Ю. Скиба, Т.Г. Мартынова, А.С. Кузнецов, А.Н. Бредихина,
Н.С. Древецкий // Инновации в машиностроении: труды 4-й Международной научно-
практической конференции, 02-04 октября 2013 г. – Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2013. –
18. Fryml, B. Vyvažování rotačních strojů v technické praxi / B. Fryml, V. Borůvka.– Praha:
SNTL, 1962. – 237 p.
19. Подгорный Ю.И., Мартынова Т.Г. Влияние точности изготовления месильных ло-
паток на уравновешенность рабочего вала смесителя непрерывного действия // Научный
вестник НГТУ. – 2010. – № 3 (40). – С. 119–126.
Podgornyj Yu. I.
D.Sc.(Engineering), Professor, e-mail:
kaf_ptm@corp.nstu.ruMartynova T.G.
, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor,
tatyanamartynova1511@gmail.comBredikhina A.N.
, Student
Kosilov A.S.
, Student
Pechorkina N.S.
, Student
Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20, Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian
Lengthy rotors of production machines need balancing. The paper presents a method of
balancing a production machine rotor on the example of a two-shaft continuous mixer. A design
model as a rotor space system is described. An imbalance plan reduced to two flat systems as well
as values of corrective imbalances is presented. Conditions for full rotor balancing are revealed. The
highest and lowest deviations of correcting imbalance values from the nominal values (in
percentage) for various precision degrees of the manufacture of working shaft components are also
found. It is revealed that with a reduction in the manufacture precision of working shaft components
an expected value of the correcting imbalance deviation increases and can reach 75%.
balancing rotor, design model, correcting imbalances, unbalance reference plane, balancing